Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Practice makes perfect right?!

We enjoyed spending this past weekend with our nephew and niece, Jacob and Emma. We had a weekend full of activities. Here is Emma at the Ferris Pioneer Days, she just slid down a really big slide.

Jacob and our newest critter,9 wk old Dottie. And yes his ear is still intact! :)

Jacob and Emma are such wonderful kids, we decided why not add 3 more to the group. James defintely had his work cut out pulling 5 kids around in the wagon.

Here is our "spooktacular" dessert we all helped make. Such a fun night with all the kiddos. :)

1 comment:

Norman said...

You guys look like you're having so much fun!! I cant wait to see you guys as parents. Have a great week and keep us updated.