I was finally able to capture a parital smile on Chandler's face. He is smiling more & more everyday. He's such a HAPPY baby! I love these pictures! "Not now dad, I'm focused on the lights on the Christmas tree".
This is my buddy, Asher Middleton. He is 4 weeks older than me and we are the bestest of friends! In fact, he like me so much he doesn't mind if I "yak" on him from time to time...what a pal!
Before the trimming begins Goodbye side-burns & "Little Elvis"
When are you people going to be done?!
Finally finished!
Chandler did very well with his first haircut, he was awake for the first part but then fell asleep. He didn't cry at all. I think by the time he is 1 he will be used to the trimmings!